Sunday, April 27, 2014

God's Not Dead. . .

This is a repost from the Spanish version of my blog. The majority of the following post has been re-worded from Spanish.

Hello all:
I know that it has been quite some time since I posted on this blog account. My reasons for not doing so are mostly school related as I am nearing the end of my undergraduate studies. Lord willing, in another semester, I will be graduating with a degree in Spanish. It has taken me a long time to get here, and it has been nothing short of a journey.

In 2008, I entered North Carolina Central University pursuing a degree in Education. At the time I had a passion for teaching English as a Second Language to Hispanic children of elementary school age. Nearly two years later, I was burned out and ready to give up on college. My classes were difficult and my passion for the education system had been trampled on by the amount of things I had seen in the field and heard from my professors.

One fall day in 2010, I had a phone conversation with my father, a pastor, and vented my frustration to him. His answer was simple: I should change my major to Spanish, something I had always been good at. I left that conversation still unsure, and immediately prayed when I hung up the phone. The prayer was a simple one: Lord, if this isn't where You want me, show me.

I was running late as usual for a 10 am class. I knew my professor would understand, so I headed out, hoping that I could arrive 10-20 minutes late.

I never made it to either of my two classes that day.  While en route, I had to cross in a place I didn't normally with no signal to do so and no sidewalk, so I did what I had done every day before for  more than a year without incident; I moved to the far edge of the street and coasted on. I never saw the truck that hit my chair in the back until I was lying in the road. To this day I still don't know if the driver saw me before getting out of his truck or not. I ended up in the ER, sore and unharmed, but subjected to numerous tests before finally being released late that afternoon.  Still I stayed in Education, until I became fed up about a year ago and decided to only pursue Spanish.  Over that time, I've been challenged, but my desire to help the Latino community has never changed. Nor has my belief that God guided me through all of this for His perfect will to be accomplished in my life.

Recently, my mother and I went to go see the Christian film God's Not Dead. I won't take the time to review the film here as I've done so on other blogs. If you want to see my review, you can visit the post on my WordPress account here. I do highly recommend that you see the film for yourselves. It challenged the way I view my faith.

Now, in 2014, I am one final semester away from obtaining my degree. This just proves to me that God is good and has a plan for me that He wants to see through!!!

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